Go-to Grocery Shopping Tips

The grocery store can be intimidating for a lot of people, particularly if you are in recovery, short on time, or just plain tired of trying to figure out what to eat each week. Here are a few tips to help you navigate this stressful endeavor (and maybe even enjoy it!):

  1. Create a loose plan of what you would like to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks each week. I say loose because you might see something at the store that inspires you! A plan can also help keep you focused and keep anxiety and overwhelm at bay. A registered dietitian can help you too so let us know if you need some!!

  2. Consider going to the same grocery store regularly. If you’re like me, I hate when I can’t find something that I need. If you make it a habit to go to the same grocery store, you can find comfort in being able to locate what you are looking for.

  3. Bring a companion like a partner, spouse, friend, sibling, parent, etc. along! They can often help you stay focused and assist with decision fatigue.

  4. Don’t look at labels (unless you have an allergy, of course!). If you find yourself obsessing over every food item’s nutrition facts and feel paralyzed by ingredient lists, take a break from looking at them. Instead, search for foods that seem nourishing and good for your body and soul. You will feel more satisfied if you allow yourself the permission to buy foods you enjoy and foods that bring fiber and a balance of macronutrients to your diet vs. analyzing lists of calories and fat/carb/protein grams.

  5. Avoid going hungry (if you can help it). While everyone has probably heard of this tip, it is so true! Intense hunger can lead to impulsive purchases and ramp up irritability and anxiety…which can lead to leaving without what you came to get in the first place.

  6. Try out a new recipe! This can make the grocery store trip something to look forward to. Even if you are just wanting to a try a new item from the prepared foods section, this can help you find some pleasure in going to the grocery store!

If you are feeling stressed about the grocery store, let us help you make a game plan in order to make it a more enjoyable experience. We are here to help you!

Written by Trinny Duncan, Student Intern and Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS-C