Fruits and Vegetables For the Win

While fruits and vegetables are in peak season, we encourage you to eat as many as you can while they taste their best! Even though some people take eating fruits and vegetables to extremes (completely avoiding or practicing a vegan lifestyle), your body really benefits from a nice balance of fruit/veg with a source of protein and healthy fat each time you eat.

Here are some benefits of eating fruits and vegetables:

  1. Fiber!! Fiber is essential for gut health, and can help keep you regular too.

  2. Vitamins and minerals!! Most people don’t meet their micronutrient needs without regular intake of color. Supplements can help, but your body actually prefers food sources when it can get it. That said, try reaching for a fresh fruit as a side or a snack and/or a vegetable to add to your main dish at lunch/dinner. If you haven’t a clue how to do this or need support we can help trouble shoot ideas to meet your specific challenges.

  3. Brain health!! Fruits and vegetables have been linked with lower levels of mental illnesses such as depression*.

Aren’t sure about how to bring more fruits and vegetables to your diet? Try blending frozen cauliflower into a protein shake or making a smoothie for an afternoon snack! Roasting vegetables in batches and freezing them is also a great way to meal prep in advance in order to add extra flavor/color to a meal. Pre-packaged frozen fruits and vegetables are also a convenient when you run out of produce in the fridge. Take advantage of a local farmer’s market when you can and ask for recipes if you need inspiration on how to use what you buy. Farmers are generally foodies and enjoy sharing with their customers!

Written by Trinny Duncan, Student Intern and Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS-C

*not used for treatment of depression; If you are struggling with depression, please contact a licensed professional for help.