Best Books to Beat ED

Reading can have such a great impact on your recovery. Whether you are consuming content that is positive or negative, it can sway the internal battle you are facing. Here are few recommendations (that can also be found on our resources page) if you or a loved one are struggling to combat ED:

  1. Nourished by Heidi Schauster

  2. Intuitive Eating Book and Workbook by Ellen Resch and Evelyn Tribole

  3. Eating by the Light of the Moon by Anita Johnson

  4. 8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder by Carolyn Costin and Gwen Shubert Grabb

  5. Sick Enough by Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani

  6. Life Without Ed by Jenni Schaefer

  7. The Food & Feelings Workbook by Karen R. Koenig

  8. Eating Mindfully by Susan Albers

  9. Don't Diet, Live It Workbook : Healing Food Weight and Body Issues Book by Andrea Wachter and Marsea Marcus

  10. The Parent’s Guide to Eating Disorders by Marcia Herrin

  11. How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder by Casie Crosbie & Wendy Sterling

  12. Your Child’s Weight: Helping Without Harming by Ellyn Satter

Written by Trinny Duncan, Student Intern and Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS-C