Finding Friendship in Recovery

When you are struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating, it can be difficult to maintain relationships with the people around you. We also know it’s common in our society to often plan things around meals because cooking and eating are great ways to bring people together and experience joy. Unfortunately, when you struggling with food these gatherings can feel daunting. Taking the plunge, however, and trying out recovery focused behaviors provides you with an opportunity to find community and step outside of yourself. For instance, instead of turning down a movie night or a dinner with colleagues because you are anxious about eating in front of others, try focusing on the memory you will create or getting to know someone better. Feeling a little uncomfortable means you are challenging the rules, embracing long term recovery skills and learning to survive your anxiety. It’s okay, you can do it. Each step you take towards thinking about change or actually engaging in change counts!!

Some other cool ways to build friendships while working on recovery skills is to plan ways to hang out that do not involve food. Go for a walk/hike, go shopping, run errands together, go to a painting/cooking class, or sit outside on a pretty day and bask in the sun! So, instead of allowing the food noise to keep you feeling isolated and alone, leave the door open to any opportunity that may present itself and allow yourself to go. Connection with others is incredibly powerful for the brain and the healing process. As always, we are here for you!

Written by Trinny Duncan, Student Intern and Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS-C