
It’s nine o’clock at night, the evening is winding down and you’re looking to relax

or prepare for the next day. Then, all of a sudden, it hits you. That sensation of mouth

hunger which so often leads to making your way to the kitchen. The leftover pieces of

chocolate from a past holiday are calling to you as you prepare tomorrow’s lunch and

you’re thinking “What should I do?’

First, it is important to recognize that food is not the enemy. And, food shouldn’t

be a moral issue. Diet culture has done its job by making us feel triggered, guilt-ridden,

or worried about sticking to our current diet plan so we don’t see the number change on

the scale. Of note, human body weight can fluctuate 5-7 pounds per week due to bowel

changes, hormones, dehydration, medications and inflammation. This is why daily

weighing is not useful.

That being said, food is essential to life and something that connects us with one

another. Food is also an individualized and independent choice in life when other

circumstance feel so out of control. As many of our clients report, it can also be a brief

disconnection from the toughest parts of our lives, both past and present.

So, what do you do? Do you give in to your thoughts and mouth hunger, or do

you honor what your physical body needs? Thankfully, by using awareness tools and

work on cognitive reframing you can make decisions that support your values. For

example, when cravings start to intensify start by asking yourself “Am I actually

physically hungry?”. If the answer is yes, then by all means honor your hunger cues

and have something to eat. If not, consider asking “Am I trying to satisfy an emotional

hunger or a mouth hunger?”… “What am I hungry for?” Love? Connection? A break?

Attention? If the hunger is more emotionally driven due to feelings of sadness, anxiety,

overwhelm, bored, fear of missing out, etc., allow yourself 5- 10 minutes to hold some

space to be with your feelings, journal if it’s helpful or process with a friend. Whatever

the thoughts, or feelings may be, work to stay open and curious vs. jumping to judgment

of the circumstance or yourself.

If this is something you need more assistance with, please contact us to start the

conversation. We would love to walk this journey out with you!