Breakfast Food Breakdown

Breakfast foods are some of my favorites, but you (like a lot of people) may get overwhelmed in the mornings. The overwhelm then leads you to ignore hunger cues, increases your stress level, and often a skipped breakfast. To avoid these symptoms…and outcomes… consider setting your alarm just 15 minutes before you really need to be up with an intention to get something in your body. What happens when you do? What did you choose and was it satisfying? Leave a comment and let me know!

In the meantime, here is a formula for the yummiest breakfast (hint: it depends on your cravings!):

  1. Grains! Even though there are a lot of varying opinions about carbs (by professionals and amateurs alike), there is no denying the science that your brain and body runs on glucose. Try toast, pancakes, granola, protein waffles, bagels, english muffins, to name a few - whole grain versions are more filling and bring a wonderful source of fiber!

  2. Protein! It doesn’t have to be bacon or eggs or another traditional breakfast protein. Things like tofu, cottage cheese, and greek yogurt are also great options.

  3. Fiber! Fruits and veggies are not just for growing kids. They’re also essential for full grown adults. Fresh fruits are at their peak season right now, so there is no better time than the present to try out some of your local produce! If that is unavailable or you are looking for a more cost-effective option, smoothies with frozen fruits and veggies are another great idea. 

  4. Healthy fat! Things like nut butters, avocado, and full-fat yogurt will help keep you satisfied for longer. The 2016 avocado toast trend is actually a great start to a nourishing breakfast!

  5. Sunshine! It may seem a little silly, but having a bit of sunshine on your face each morning helps to align your body and mind with your circadian rhythm which promotes better sleep and better mood. Research study HERE.

Here are a few breakfast ideas that include all of the components for a nourishing start to your day:

  • Protein waffles with almond butter, banana, and strawberries!

  • Overnight oats with greek yogurt, granola, fresh fruits, and nut butter drizzle!

  • Avocado toast with an over-easy egg and sriracha on top!

Contact us if you are looking for more guidance on what to eat when and how to best fuel your body for whatever your day holds!

Written by Trinny Duncan, Student Intern and Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS-C