4 Secrets to Combating Food Behaviors

It can be hard, especially around major holidays, to navigate the loud and intense urges to use disordered eating behaviors. Particularly when the conversation turns to current diet trends, weight loss comparisons, and the use of GLP-1 medications. Below are some ideas to help you survive toxic conversations which can often lead to compulsive behaviors.

  1. Phone or text a friend. Talking things through with someone who knows what you are going through or is able to comfort you (even just by distracting you from the destructive thoughts), can help you move forward.

    If you feel like your behaviors are worsening and it’s hard for you to eat much at all or you feel out of control with food please reach out us or your therapist. An eating disorder is a mental health condition often stemming from anxiety or depression, so having someone to talk to when things get overwhelming can be extremely beneficial.

  2. Leave the situation that is triggering you. Maybe the environment you are in is stressful or people around you are promoting unhealthy behaviors. Getting outside, if you feel up to it, and walking to your mailbox or down the street and around the block.  Certain types of movement can be a game changer by keeping you connected to the present. 

  3. Try a nurturing activity.  When we feel we are at the precipice of engaging in disordered behaviors it can be soothing to do something that is nourishing to the soul. For instance, getting your nails done, or setting aside time to engage in something that makes you laugh or feel creative could be just the ticket!  No judgment involved. ;) 

  4. Hang out with a pet. Our furry friends can be just what we need to ground ourselves. They are fully there to help us through hard times and make us smile. 

For more useful tips and support, follow us on our socials or join our monthly newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you!

By Trinny Duncan, UTK Nutrition Student